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Beith Playpark Action Group

Social Inclusion

We want a wheelchair accessible picnic table to make the play park more inclusive for wheelchair users and their friends and families.

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About this cause

Beith Play park Action Group was set up in 2000 by a group of local parents who wanted to create free, all ability, play and recreation areas for local children and young people in the public park. The voluntary committee work in partnership with the community police, North Ayrshire Council and the local community groups in Beith- Neighborhood Watch, Youth Making Beith Better (youth group), Beith Christian Action Group, local nurseries and the primary school etc. Over the past 16 years BPAG has created an Under 5s Play Area, a 5-14s Play Area, a Ball court, a Tennis Court and a Skate Area. Over £300,000 has been raised to achieve this. The children and young people of Beith and their parents have a free, all year round recreation space within walking distance of their homes.

How this cause brings people in the community together

The community will benefit from being more inclusive by having a Play park that promotes amenities for all. A wheelchair accessible picnic table will be installed in the Under 5s Play Area. Wheelchair users and their friends and family will benefit from being able to sit together in the park. The Beith Play park Action Group committee and local wheelchair users will be involved in selecting the picnic bench and overseeing it's installation.